Nic Stansby has lived in Wrenthorpe for 21 years and is now proud to call Yorkshire home. Previously Nic ran her own successful IT business until retraining as an Accountant 13 years ago and has since worked with various sectors, including Not For Profit organisations.
Until recently, she was employed in the NHS and feels that she can use that experience to help fight the closure of the local GP Surgery. Nic now works part time, as she also cares for her Autistic son. Through this experience Nic has become committed to helping to shape her local community to be better and safer for all residents.
Nic is a regular charity fundraiser, from swimming & running to baking cakes. The belief that each person matters and should have equal opportunities is close to her heart, and as such Nic would like the opportunity to improve the lives of those living within the Wrenthorpe and Outwood West Community in a number of ways, including by working with Wakefield Council to improve local transport and Adult & Child Social care.